Interdistrict Transfers

Phil Anderson

Rose Machado
Vice Principal
Interdistrict Transfers. California law allows two or more school districts to enter into an agreement for the transfer of one or more students for a period of up to five years. New agreements may be entered into for additional periods of up to five years each. The agreement must specify the terms and conditions under which transfers are permitted or denied. Districts of residence may not deny a transfer of a student whose parent is active duty military where the district of proposed enrollment approves the application. No district is required to provide transportation to a student who transfers into the district. If either district denies a transfer request, a parent may appeal that decision to the county board of education within 30 calendar days from the date of the final denial. There are specified timelines in the law for the county board of education to make a decision.
Palo Verde Union School District annually considers Inter-District agreements (that is, an agreement between the school district you reside in and the school district they will be to allow attendance of students outside their own school district to attend.) .
Click HERE to view Palo Verde's Board Policy regarding attendance for interdistrict transfers, including revoking/rescinding interdistrict transfers.
Once interdistricts are approved, the following policies apply:
#1. Attendance/Tardies- Children are to attend the full day and be on time. It is the parents/guardians responsibility to drop off and pick up students from school on time.
#2. Behavior- Students are expected to follow directions and behavior expectations noted in the Parent/Student Handbook. Failure to do so may result in possible termination of agreement.
#3. Academic Performance- We ask that all of our Interdistrict students work to the best of their ability and be able to meet grade level standards.
#4. Notification- The parent or guardian must notify the district within 2 weeks of any change in their address, phone number, etc.
If any of the above guidelines are not followed, the Interdistrict Agreement may be terminated.
If you live in Tulare City School District but wish to continue attending Palo Verde School, please click on the link below and complete the form before the end of April.