Transportation | Maintenance Department

Bus Rules

School Bus Safety Rules § 39831.5 

Palo Verde School District furnishes bus transportation for the school children of the district as a privilege, not a right.  In order that you child/children may use the bus safely, certain rules have been established.  Go over them with your children and we will all benefit with better, safer riding conditions.

  1. Students riding in a bus shall be under the authority of and responsible to the driver.

  2. Continued misbehavior or refusal to submit to the driver’s authority shall be sufficient reason for a student to lose riding privileges.

  3. Guardians will be notified when a pupil loses bus privileges.  A conference with the principal and the driver shall be held before the student will be allowed to ride the bus again.

  4. All students assigned a seat by a driver shall remain in that seat.

  5. Students shall remain seated while the bus is in motion.

  6. Students shall not talk loudly, sing, or make excessive noise.

  7. When students enter the bus, they will go right to their seats.  They will leave the bus in a quick but orderly manner.

  8. Nothing shall be thrown within the bus or out the windows.

  9. The bus will stop to load or unload students at designated areas only.

  10. Students must face the front of the bus at all times.

  11. No part of the body is allowed outside the bus at any time.

  12. No animals shall be transported in a school bus.

  13. No person shall be allowed to occupy a position in the bus that would interfere with the driver’s vision.

  14. There is to be no eating or chewing or gum, candy, sunflower seeds, cookies, etc. on the bus.

  15. The bus driver has the right to assign sentences for students to write if they have not conducted themselves according to these rules.

  16. The bus driver has the right to return the bus to school if severe misbehavior takes place on the bus.  

  17. No glass or porcelain objects may be transported in the bus by order of state law.

  18. Students who have parent permission to bring and check in a cell phones at the office must keep their cell phones in backpacks at ALL times. 

Bus Survellience System

Cameras are installed on all buses.  Cameras may be activated at the discretion of the superintendent or designee. 

Joe Linhares

Transportation Maintenance Director

Manuel Lourenco

Bus Driver | Maintenance

Karen Barnett

Bus Driver | Aide

Andrea de La Cruz

Bus Driver | Cafeteria Aide

Abdiel Rios

Groundskeeper | Maintenance

Evan Branco
